
The abstract of unpublished research work should be in English using MS word (Single space; Font Times New Roman; Font size- 12) and should not exceed 350 words. It must contain title of the paper, name(s) of author(s) followed by their affiliation, e-mail of corresponding author and keywords. The name of presenting author should be underlined.

Full Length Paper

Full length paper must be original, ethical, with key burning issue, less than 15% plagiarism, unpublished, English languages, MS Word, Times New Roman, 12 Fonts with single line spacing and with Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, conclusion and references (not exceeding 6000-7000 words).

The soft copy of the abstracts/ full length papers should be sent through Email id:

Presentation during Conference

  • Oral Presentation: Among the accepted abstracts selected papers will be considered for oral presentations under each of the technical sessions. Each oral presentation would be allotted 8- 10 minutes. Power Point Presentation with not more than 15 slides of the same is required to be handed over in the respective sessions.
  • Poster Presentation: Separate Poster Sessions covering all the themes will be organized to encourage wider interaction and information sharing. All the participants are requested to prepare their posters in portrait mode with dimensions of 36" x 24" (3 feet height X 2 feet length). Poster must include the title, Authors Name, Affiliation, Introduction, Objectives, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion and Conclusion. Clear pictures, diagrams, graphs and short tables are highly encouraged to use.
  • Interaction of progressive farmers with scientists & industry: The conference program is tailored to equip farmers with new skills and knowledge in technology-driven development. An Open Session will be organized during the conference, offering farmers a platform to express their views to experts and seek solution to their challenges. This initiative aims to develop the recommendations focused on farmers' needs.


Journal /Book Publishing Charges
Conference Book with ISBN Accepted Full length papers will be published as book chapter in conference proceedings with ISBN by a reputed publisher. Book Chapters Publication Charges are included with registration fee.
Plant Archives Accepted full length papers will be published in special issue of plant archives an International Journal upon payment of Publication Charges.
NAAS Rating -5.59 (2024) ISSN:0972-5210.
Open Access, Indexing and Peer Review Journal
₹ 2500/- * Per Paper

Author must adhere to specific journal guidelines throughout the submission process. The editor's decision regarding the publication in the journal will be conclusive.

Conference Presentation Award

  • Best Oral Presentation Award
  • Best Poster Presentation Award

Note: No need to apply for these awards. Top three winners of these awards for each theme will be decided during the conference.

Themes of the Conference

Precision in Soil and Water Management: Sensors to Satellites

  • Precise irrigation and fertigation management and water conservation with integration of IoT devices and sensors for real-time monitoring of soil moisture levels
  • Utilization of hydrological modeling to improve water management strategies, particularly in the context of climate change.
  • Deployment of drones for aerial soil and water analysis, providing valuable insights for optimized irrigation practices.
  • Implementation of remote sensing technologies and satellite imagery for real-time monitoring of soil water management and crop health.
  • Emerging Challenges and solutions for irrigation, drainage and water conservation in light of climate change
  • Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in watershed management
  • Development of advanced soil and water conservation measures, including modeling soil erosion processes through various AI-driven decision support systems.
  • Integration of wastewater for irrigation to alleviate pressure on freshwater resources, policy and governance for integrated water resource management

Farm Machinery and Renewable Energy Sources for Sustainable Agriculture

  • Future trends in farm machinery and power systems including GPS-guided tractors, drones, and sensors, to optimize field-level management with precise sowing, weeding, planting, and harvesting.
  • Implementation of automation and AI for sustainable agriculture practices aimed at minimizing soil disturbance and resource consumption.
  • Precision farm machinery approaches to refine precision farming techniques, ensuring precise application of inputs and minimizing the ecological footprint and ergonomics.
  • Integration of data analytics and artificial intelligence in farm machinery to enhance decision-making, allowing farmers to adapt practices based on real-time insights.
  • Embracing renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass to reduce the carbon footprint associated with conventional energy use, leading to a more resilient and self-sufficient agricultural system.

Engineering Solutions for Agricultural Processing and Value Addition

  • Integration of precision sorting and grading equipment to enhance the quality of harvested produce, ensuring consistency and uniformity.
  • Implementation of intelligent processing machinery that minimizes energy consumption while efficiently handling the processing of agricultural products.
  • Utilization of state-of-the-art packaging equipment designed to extend the shelf life of produce, maintaining freshness and quality.
  • Application of precision engineering for the development of value-added products, optimizing formulations and processes for nutritional content, taste, and overall quality.
  • Deployment of IoT devices and sensors in storage facilities to monitor temperature, humidity, and gas levels, enabling real-time adjustments to storage conditions and minimizing spoilage.
  • Utilization of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to assess the quality of harvested produce, aiding in decision-making processes related to sorting and grading.
  • Employment of precision-controlled systems for dehydration and preservation processes, effectively extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables.
  • Implementation of precision agriculture for real-time inventory tracking, utilizing blockchain and RFID technologies for traceability throughout the supply chain, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Advancements in Sustainable Crop Production Technologies: Seed to Harvest

  • Genetic engineering and breeding techniques for the development of high-yielding, drought-resistant, and disease-resistant crop varieties, ensuring food security amidst changing environmental conditions.
  • Improved seed technology and agronomical practices such as conservation tillage, cover cropping, and crop rotation optimize yields, improve soil health, conserve water, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Adoption of more targeted and efficient pest control approaches, including the use of beneficial insects, microorganisms, and biopesticides, as well as integrated disease pest management strategies, reduces reliance on chemical pesticides and promotes environmentally friendly and sustainable pest control practices.
  • Advancements in diagnostic tools, including molecular techniques, sensors, and imaging technologies, enable accurate and rapid detection of plant diseases, facilitating timely interventions and reducing crop losses.
  • Advance tools and techniques to analyze market trends, demand patterns, and pricing dynamics, enabling informed decision-making and enhancing market competitiveness for farmers and agricultural stakeholders

Soil Health Management and Plant Nutrient Optimization

  • Utilization of advanced sensing and monitoring technologies to assess soil health parameters such as nutrient levels, organic matter content, and microbial activity, enabling real-time decision-making in agriculture.
  • Implementation of modern soil testing methods and strategies aimed at enhancing nutrient use efficiency, including the use of slow-release fertilizers, foliar applications, and nutrient management planning, to minimize excess nutrient runoff and losses.
  • Incorporation of practices to enhance soil organic carbon levels, including organic and natural farming practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and reduced reliance on synthetic inputs.
  • Implementation of educational programs and extension services to empower farmers with knowledge about sustainable soil and nutrient management practices, promoting adoption and continuous improvement in agricultural practices.
  • Integration of bio fertilizers and organic amendments to enhance nutrient availability, soil structure, and overall soil health, promoting sustainable soil management.
  • Employment of machine learning models for predictive soil health assessment, aiding in proactive decision-making and optimizing soil management practices for improved agricultural productivity and sustainability.

Precision and AI Synergies for Sustainable Horticultural Practices

  • Development of crop varieties for specific horticultural conditions, enhancing resistance to climate, diseases, improving yield, and enhancing nutritional profiles for healthier produce.
  • Implementation of AI-driven climate control systems in greenhouses, incorporating AI-powered sensors and monitoring systems for real-time data collection on environmental factors, soil health, and crop status. This enables precise adjustments to irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, optimizing growth conditions. Advances in protected cultivation.
  • Adoption of vertical farming and controlled-environment agriculture techniques such as hydroponics, aeroponics, and aquaponics to maximize space utilization and resource efficiency, ensuring sustainable horticulture production.
  • Advancements in Pomology (fruit cultivation), Olericulture (vegetable cultivation), and Floriculture (flower cultivation) for sustainable horticulture production, incorporating innovative practices and technologies to improve productivity and environmental sustainability.
  • Implementation of AI-enhanced value chain management systems to track horticultural products from farm to consumer, facilitating informed decisions regarding production planning, resource allocation, and risk management throughout the supply chain.


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+91-99093 61030


Organizing Secretary

Dr G. V. Prajapati

Research Scientist (Agril. Engg.)
Centre of Excellence on Soil and Water Management
Research Testing and Training Centre (RTTC), JAU, Junagadh. |

Co-Organizing Secretary

Dr P. A. Pandya

Assistant Research Scientist,
Centre of Excellence on Soil and Water Management
Research Testing and Training Centre (RTTC), JAU, Junagadh. |

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